Portable and Delicious: How to Dehydrate Cherries for On-The-Go Snacking

Are you looking for a new way to preserve cherries’ sweet and tangy taste? Dehydrating cherries is a simple and effective method that allows you to enjoy this delicious fruit as a portable snack or to use it in various culinary applications. In this post, we will share a step-by-step guide on how to dehydrate cherries at home and some creative ideas for using them in your cooking and baking. So, let’s dive in and discover how to dehydrate cherries!

How to dehydrate cherries – Easy methods for drying cherries

Dried cherries make a delicious, convenient, and nutritious snack. They can be added to baked dishes and compotes as a salad topping. Remember that the fresher the cherries you start with, the more tasty the dried cherries will be, whether you decide to dry, freeze, or can them.

Prepare before dehydration

  • Wash your cherries: The cherries should be washed and given some time to drain in a colander. Take out and throw away the stems.
  • Pit the Cherries: The most time-consuming step in any cherry recipe or preservation technique is pitting the cherries. However, there are techniques to simplify the task.
How to dehydrate cherries

The cherries should be washed and given some time to drain

You might purchase a cherry pitter. These are low-cost devices that can be used to pit olives. However, you can make your own DIY cherry pitter in two distinct ways, so save your money.

  • The beer bottle pitter: You only need a chopstick, cherries, and a beer or wine bottle. A cherry should be placed on the bottle’s opening with the stem end facing up. With the chopstick, please give it a punch. While the remainder of the cherry stays where it was, the pit will drop into the bottle.
  • The drinking straw pitter: Hold a cherry between your thumb and forefinger with the stem end facing up (stem already removed). Punch out the pit with a plastic drinking straw. The hole will go into the straw. Repeat with more cherries until the straw has filled with pits. To continue pitting more cherries, empty the straw or use a new one.

How to dehydrate cherries? – 03 super easy methods

Fresh fruits and vegetables, such as fresh cherries, can be dried in several methods.

Drying cherries in the oven

  • Warm up your oven. Set the temperature to 170 or 200 degrees. (Set your oven to the lowest setting.
  • Get some parchment or Silpat paper and line a baking sheet with it.
  • Make sure the cherries are spaced apart on the baking pan. Use cut cherries and arrange them on the tray with the cut side facing up.
  • Bake the cherries for 6 to 9 hours or until they appear wrinkled and slightly leathery. Cherries cut in half may dry up more quickly than whole cherries, so check them occasionally.

Drying cherries in the food dehydrator

Cherries are effectively dried in a food dehydrator by reducing their water content and heating.

  • On trays, place the prepared cherries. The cherries must not touch. There ought to be plenty of room between them.
  • The dehydrator should be preheated to 165 degrees Fahrenheit. (Select the highest setting.
  • Inside the dehydrator, place the tray. Give the cherries two or three hours to dry.
  • To 135 degrees, turn down the heat. Dry the cherries at this temperature for an additional 8 to 15 hours.
  • Cherry size and thickness determine how quickly they dry. Every now and then, check the cherries.
  • If the cherries feel entirely dry, remove them from the dehydrator.
How to dehydrate cherries

Drying cherries in the food dehydrator

They should feel slightly pliable to the touch and appear leathery. Before storing the dried cherries, let them cool completely.

Sun drying cherries – How to dry cherries in the sun?

Cherries may take longer to dry with the sun than in an oven or food dehydrator. It is a far more affordable technique, though. You don’t need to spend money on power or purchase specialized equipment.

The best times to dry cherries are on warm, sunny days. Cherry drying will be accelerated by a gentle breeze.

  • As with the first two techniques, wash, de-stem, and pit the cherries.
  • So that air may freely circulate around the cherries, place the cherries on cooling racks.
  • Put cookie sheets under the racks.
  • The clean cheesecloth should be obtained and laid lightly on the shelves. The cherries will remain bug-free as a result.
  • Look for a warm, dry, and sunny location to dry the cherries.
  • To ensure equal drying on all sides, turn the cherries occasionally.
  • Take the trays inside at night, don’t forget. The following day, bring them back to dry in the sun.
  • Within three to four days, the cherries should dry out well.

Cool the Dried Cherries

Until the cherries have cooled, you won’t be able to determine whether they have totally dehydrated. Open the oven after turning it off. Let the cherries cool on the trays for 20 to 30 minutes.

After the cherries have had time to cool, halve one of them. There shouldn’t be any wetness that can be seen on the break’s surface.

Conditioning Dried Cherries

The cherries may still have some moisture even after drying them at the proper temperature and time. The fruit is still well maintained despite this. However, allowing the dried cherries to go through a quick conditioning process should taste better.

Put the cherries in glass jars once they have fully cooled. Just two-thirds of the way full are the jars. Screw-on caps are used to close the jars.

Twice or three times per day, shake the jars. This should reposition the cherries and spread any remaining liquid. Try it for a week.

If you see any condensation, put the cherries back in the oven or food dehydrator to dry them out for a few more hours.

How to store dehydrated cherries?

If you store dried fruit properly, it will remain fresher for longer. It would help to keep your cherries in airtight containers after drying and conditioning them. The use of containers with screwtops is preferred. The tight covers protect the cherries from the air, moisture, and other pollutants.

Store the containers somewhere cold and dry. Keep them out of direct sunshine and heat. You can preserve dried cherries in your freezer if you have many and want to keep them around for a while. For this, you can use freezer bags that have been vacuum-sealed.

How to dehydrate cherries

If you store dried fruit properly, it will remain fresher for longer.

What to do with dehydrated cherries?

What to do with dehydrated cherries? Cherries that have been dried have a more tangy flavor that is reminiscent of cranberries but with a higher education level. Here are some other uses for your dried cherries:

  • Add them to your granola or trail mix.
  • If you want to rehydrate them, make a nice relish.
  • They work well in baked items, and I use them in cookies.
  • You can use them to make a sauce to serve over ice cream or eat them yourself.
  • The centerpiece of my kitchen would be a cherry fruit compote.


In conclusion, dehydrating cherries is a simple and delicious way to preserve their flavor and make them portable snacks. Dehydrating cherries extend their shelf life and maintain their nutritional value and allow for a variety of creative ways to use them in your favorite dishes and snacks.

You can make your own dehydrated cherries at home by following the easy-to-follow steps outlined in this post and incorporating the tips for success. You can take them with you as a snack, incorporate them into your favorite dishes, or dip them in chocolate for a decadent treat.

Additionally, by visiting akitchencorner.com, you can discover more recipes and kitchen tips to help you create delicious and healthy meals for yourself and your family. From creative ways to use seasonal fruits and vegetables to tips for kitchen organization and meal planning, akitchencorner.com has everything you need to become a pro in the kitchen.

So start dehydrating those cherries and discover all the fun and tasty ways to use them in your cooking and snacking. And don’t forget to check out akitchencorner.com for more helpful tips and recipes!

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